COURS MODERN LINE DANCE (cours supprimé à partir saison 2023-2024)
Cours Supprimé.
Débutant : Twist twist, A un paso de la luna, Mamma Maria, All that we need, Black Betty ez, Tempo, Hayya hayya, Going out out, I'm on my way, Back to the start, Little Gipsy, Tahiti, Contigo Belle
Novice & inter : Just keep falling, Tempo, My bestie, A un paso de la luna, Storm and stone, Hold my hand, I found joy, Fingers crossed, Mama & me, Going out out, 1 2 Snap, Dopamine Ez, Havana cha, Country nights, Someone to you
Dance monkey, Rise, Flashdance, Little Gipsy, Chosen family, My bestie, Kerua, Gives me shivers, Always remember, Shadows (M.Ghisolfo), Cé de l'or, Jerusalema, Senorita la-la-la, Tahiti, Rocket to the sun, Please dance with me, Bad habits, Cold, Caliente kuduro, I'm on my way, Wintergreen, Just keep falling.
Senorita la-la-la, Always remember, Jerusalema, Beautiful madness, C'est la vie, Something real, Flashdance, My bestie, AB in my bones, Cé de l'or, Little Gipsy, Bachata.